Identity Crisis in Men – Is Patriarchy or Tyranny The Way to Take Care of Women?
Decao was violent towards Lam Minh, so he “physically interacted” with her. Please read about Decao in part 2.4.4 Domestic violence. Image source:
The inspiration to write this article is thanks to a hate comment whose author didn’t know how to write capitalized words in the article “The Crisis of Femininity – How to be considered a “real” woman in today’s era?”.
(Translation: – when you talk about a crisis, you only focus on the crisis women face, even though everyone experiences crises. Society has always had stereotypes about each person’s role, and struggling with these stereotypes is common. So why do you only target women in such a broad issue?, is it because you want to claim victimhood, or because you refuse to acknowledge the crisis faced by the other gender?)
My response was: “Because I am a woman. Who would believe me if I wrote about men?” But then I thought more: Erik Erikson was a man that wrote about women and did so correctly. He was, however, a famous psychologist, whereas I am not. Yet, as Mr. Tornad mentioned in his article, we should value opinions more than authority. That inspired me to write this article, offering men a perspective on how women perceive masculinity.
In summary, this article argues that while women face certain stereotypes of femininity, such as being expected to bear children and maintain a family, men lack a healthy stereotype of masculinity to follow and develop themselves.
This article primarily references the research paper “Men and Masculinities in an Integrated Vietnam – Key Findings and Implications for Gender Equality” by the Institute for Social Development Studies (ISDS).
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